Australia Bringing Hope Inc (ABH) is a development and relief organisation set up to work in developing countries and is currently working in Uganda, partnering with several local Ugandan organisations. Australia Bringing Hope is a Christian organisation run by a small board who work as volunteers.
Our aim is the work along side local people helping them in areas of health, welfare, housing and income generating projects, enabling them to become self sufficient. Our hope is to empower local people to improve their own communities and beyond and to also empower Australians to go out and assist people in need in developing countries.
ABH is a Christian organization run by a small board who works as volunteers. We are based in the Clare Valley and are supported by communities within South Australia.

Our CEO, Phill Grigg, has been based in Uganda since January 2009. This enables us to better assess needs and monitor all projects.
Phill Grigg, a beekeeper from Clare, travelled to Uganda in July 2006. He volunteered for six weeks with a Ugandan organization called Bringing Hope to the Family (BHF). Phill was involved with all aspects of their organization; including the medical center, outreach HIV/AIDS testing, the vocational school, and the care of 1300 orphans.
BHF is a community-based organization based in Kaihura, a village 280km west of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. BHF was founded in September 2000 by Faith Kunihura under the Full Gospel Church. Faith was working as a manager and computer instructor in Jinja. She had been away from her home village, Kaihura for 15 years. In September 2000 she came home to visit her parents. Faith was overwhelmed by the impact of HIV/AIDS on the community. “Children left in the cold, fatherless and motherless. Children and the elderly being left to look after their families and themselves.” BHF was born out of Faith’s desire to “help families have hope, bring joy to the dying widows, and a good future for every orphaned child.”
On Phill’s return to Australia in 2006 he accepted Faith’s invitation to become the Australian representative for BHF. Phill sought out others within his home community in South Australia who shared his passion for Africa and ABH was established as an incorporated association in August 2007. Phill was appointed the CEO. ABH has a board of nine people, all of whom work as volunteers.
In July 2007, a team of four, including Phill and board member, Dean Schunke, volunteered with BHF for four weeks.
Phill returned to Uganda permanently in late January 2009.
We have 7 board members, Belinda Webb and Katherine White (Past board members) visited Kaihura in March and April 2009.