Kyenjojo District and Kiryandongo District in Uganda.

+61 428 844 885 | +256 787 667 133

Who we are

Australia Bringing Hope Inc. (ABH) is a development and relief organization set up to work in developing countries and is currently working in Uganda, partnering with several local organizations to empower communities through farming projects in Uganda and Beekeeping. A small board of volunteers runs Australia Bringing Hope, a Christian organization.

Our aim is to work alongside local people, helping them in areas of health, education, welfare, housing, and income-generating projects ( through beekeeping and farming projects in Uganda), enabling them to become self-sufficient. Our hope is to empower local people to improve their own communities and beyond, and to also empower Australians to go out and assist people in need in developing countries.

Some children playing with an old tyre in the village of Kaihura

What we do

  • Australia Bringing Hope (ABH) is an Australian development and relief organisation working in developing countries.
  • ABH partners with indigenous organisations.
  • ABH empowers Australians to be actively involved in mission.
  • ABH gives Australian people an insight into underpriviliged countries.
  • ABH sends relief to where it is needed most.
  • ABH is working towards a brighter future for the world.

Support / Donate

Support from Australia is vital for us to continue our work in Uganda.

Donations can be written out to ‘Australia Bringing Hope Inc’ or directly deposited into the account (BSB) 065 501 (Account Number) 1009 5051. You can also donate online by using the Give Now link. You can also donate via direct debit or by cheque. Donations go directly to our work in Uganda, and as the donor, you are able to specify the purpose of your donation.

The Australia Bringing Hope Relief Fund is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient through (BSB) 065 501 (Account Number) 10112827

This allows donations that go towards ABH’s sustainable long-term documented projects or donations towards short-term relief in times of declared disaster to be tax deductible.

We are an approved ACNC organization, please see our link

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